domingo, 21 de marzo de 2010

"Too Full" by Shiv Charan Singh


When one is too full of one state

The opposite is desired

Too full of wakefulness – sweet sleep calls

Too full of sleep – alertness calls

Too full indulgences – abstinence calls

Too full of renunciation – lustful passions call

Too full of performing – one desires the observers platform

Too full of watching – one desires the stage

Until all hopes are exhausted – the empty promise seduces

Until all promises are broken – hope remains a pleasure

Paralysed by the trauma of human birth

One holds a secret request

For the memory of the loving touch

Completely open and naked

In the song of life

One prays for silence

Overcome with your bliss

I ran for shelter

But now

Oh Lord!

I’m too full of your absence

And turning around I hear you call

Shiv Charan Singh

"The Court of Karam Kriya"


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